Aloha, Pranksters!
Once upon a time it may have been tough to find flash mobs or public sillines in the Phoenix area. Those days are behind us, especially this Spring as there is a bumper crop of flash mobs coming up! Some are ours, some are organized by others, but all sound fun so we wanted to share. Check out whichever ones tickle your fancy, and please spread the word!
Fake Protest Flash Mob
April 9th in Phoenix. Make up a goofy protest sign and join the silliest, most pointless protest every. Exact location to be announced shortly, but you can start getting your signs ready. RSVP for the Fake Protest on Facebook or read our blog post for details.
Pirates versus Ninjas
April 14th at ASU. This isn’t one of ours, but sounds like fun. Dress up as your favorite side in this eternal struggled and wage a fake battle on campus. Details are on Facebook.
University of Arizona Dance Flash Mob
April 21st in Tucson. If you’re near the UofA (or up for a road trip!) check out this dance flash mob that FlashMobAZ is planning on campus. Exact location will be revealed on the Facebook page, so RSVP there to stay connected.
Where’s Waldo Flash Mob
April 23rd in the East Valley. Bust out the red and white! We want as many people as possible to dress like the famous, hidden cartoon character and hang out, while we ask people going by to help locate one specific “Waldo” in the crowd. You don’t need an exact outfit, just something that’s fun. Read about it on the Where’s Waldo Facebook event, or watch our blog for detailed info soon.
Chandler Secret Flash Mob
May 21st in Chandler. Both the location and the details are a secret right now, but if you RSVP on their Facebook page you will get all the details when they are revealed.
I’m sure there will be more pranks and shenanigans coming up, but this is a nice pile to keep everyone entertained until the summer hits.
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