Author: ImprovAZ

  • Zombathalon – Zombie race training flash mob

    Zombathalon – Zombie race training flash mob

    We’re back! After being on hiatus for much of the year, Improv AZ is back in action. It feels so good to be doing flash mobs and pranks again! The undead race the living There are a lot of organized zombie walks these days, but we wondered what people would do if a zombie outbreak…

  • And we’re baaaack!

    And we’re baaaack!

    We’re sorry that we’ve been on hiatus for most of this year. That’s what happens when 3 of your core team members open new businesses in the same year. Now that it’s cooling down and we have more time, we’re ready to get back into pranks and flash mobs. We’ve severely missed it. Here are…

  • No Pants Light Rail Ride 2012 Recap & Video

    No pants, no problem! The fourth No Pants Light Rail Ride was last Sunday here in Phoenix as part of Improv Everywhere’s global No Pants Subway Ride, and it was a rockin’ great time. About 250 people hit the rail, taking the train into Tempe and then walking (or strutting) down to Robbie Fox’s for…