We’re sorry that we’ve been on hiatus for most of this year. That’s what happens when 3 of your core team members open new businesses in the same year. Now that it’s cooling down and we have more time, we’re ready to get back into pranks and flash mobs. We’ve severely missed it.
Here are some of the flash mob ideas we’re planning for the next year.
- Zombie invasion
- Choreographed dance number
- Epic Super Hero Battle (with an mp3 component)
- No Pants Light Rail Ride
One of our organizers has fallen in love with rootsuits, so there’s a good chance we’re going to do something with those too.
And of course we have some pranks in the mix. These are only for our core team (and people we invite from our email list) to do, but we post the video online. You never know when our coroners will be out with Bob the Body Bag.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent survey. Your responses were a big help.
If you want to be in the loop on what we’re up to, please subscribe to our email list (we promise we won’t spam you) and follow us on Facebook. We announce most of our events on Facebook, but there will be some secret pranks that only our mailing list will be invited to participate in.
See you soon!
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