Author: ImprovAZ
Flashing in the Spring – Loads of mobs around the corner!
Aloha, Pranksters! Once upon a time it may have been tough to find flash mobs or public sillines in the Phoenix area. Those days are behind us, especially this Spring as there is a bumper crop of flash mobs coming up! Some are ours, some are organized by others, but all sound fun so we…
Join the Fake Protest Flash Mob in April
UPDATED: Location information now posted below! People protest all sorts of serious things, and we think it is about time we protested something utterly and totally ridiculous. Or even many utterly ridiculous things! We are having a fake protest where a group gathers with signs (BYO sign) but all the signs have nothing to do…
Hello, Lionel – Spreading some 80’s style love
We can’t claim to have come up with this idea, but we loved it so much we just had to share it. After a quick wrestling match with our favorite word processor, we created our own version of the flier, which you see below. I showed it around and the reactions were pretty evenly split.…