Author: ImprovAZ
Friends, Pranksters, Countrymen… lend us your vote!
Image by Moriartys via Flickr Good evening! Well, it isn’t really evening out as I write this, but I always liked Alfred Hitchcock. Things have been a little quiet around the ImprovAZ front as tends to happen over the summer. It’s not the heat so much as the stupid people are running around saying “At…
Epic Super Hero Battle meetup locations and movie info!
Image by Lomo-Cam via Flickr Just an update for the most excellent Epic Super Hero Battle 2010 happening this weekend! This is just an update, and here is the full Epic Super Hero Battle post. PUB CRAWL Our partners in this melee – AZ Cacophony – are doing a pub crawl again before the battle.…
Need epic duds? Come to Super Hero Costume Meetup!
Want to come to the Epic Super Hero Battle but not sure what dress as? Out of touch on what all the hottest heroes and villains are wearing this year? Join us for a costume shopping meetup on Saturday, April 10th, to browse the most amazing Easley’s Costume Shop and compare notes and ideas for…