Category: reports
No Pants AZ 2010 Recap: No Trou For You!
Image by Art Rodriguez via Flickr Over 300 people participated in the No Pants 2010 Ride in Phoenix, inciting confusion, shock, and joy in the local community. On Sunday, January 10, 2010, Phoenix was abuzz with Cardinals Football fever as people gathered at light rail stations at the east and west ends of the light…
Recap: 2009 Arizona No Pants Ride
The following is a recap of the 2009 No Pants Ride that happened nearly a year ago. It was the event that got ImprovAZ started, so I didn’t have a place to post it at the time. It’s been a fun year since this happened, and if you’re interested in the No Pants Ride coming…
mp3 Experiment was a rocking success!
Image by sheiladeeisme via Flickr Our first mp3 Experiment was a rocking success with at least 100 people showing up to participate! The starting point was the giant Christmas tree in front of the MadCap theaters on Mill, and everything looked fairly quiet until even just 5 minutes before the start, then suddenly waves of…