No Pants Light Rail Ride 2011 – Everything you need but the underwear!

Victims At Bay
Image by Moriartys via Flickr

Here are the details on the 2011 No Pants Light Rail Ride, taking place this Sunday in sunny Phoenix, Arizona! This is part of The No Pants Subway Ride, which is a global event started by Improv Everywhere in New York in 2002.

The event will take place at 2:00pm on Sunday, January 9th. Everything you need to know is in this post. Please read it carefully!

Requirements for Participation

1) Willing to take pants off on light rail.
2) Able to keep a straight face about it.



When: Sunday, January 9 at 2:00 PM Sharp! (Over by around 4:00)
Bring: A backpack and a fare card.
Wear: Normal clothes (hat, jacket, etc)
Mid Party: There will be a mostly unofficial gathering at Robbie Fox’s Pub at the midway point
Facebook: RSVP to the Facebook event and share it out with your friends

Where to Go

There are two starting points – choose whichever one is closest to you:

Start: Montebello/19th Ave

Start: Central/Roosevelt

Start: Sycamore/Main

How It Works

Be at the West Side or East Side starting point station and ready to board the train at 2:00pm sharp. It is the same time for both stops. Be early if you need to, especially if you need to buy a light rail pass.

Watch for Team Leaders (identified by a red bandana tied to their bag): The Team Leaders may try to split people into small groups to board different trains, depending how many people show up.

Show up in your underwear! Unlike in the past, we’re not waiting to depants on the train. If you’re depantsing once you arrive, bring a backpack, briefcase, or something else to carry them in. You are responsible for your own pants.

Act normal – Stay with your group. Sit in the car like you normally would. Read a magazine, listen to your iPod, etc. You do not know any of the other pantless riders. If questioned, tell folks that you “forgot to wear pants” and yes you are “a little cold.” Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants. Be nice and friendly and normal.

Do not tell people you are doing a prank! You don’t really notice anything odd about people not wearing pants.

We will have photographers on hand to take pictures documenting the event. We need everyone else to just act casual. If you bring a camera, be very discrete and only take a few. It’s supposed to look like a normal train ride.

You can wear fun underwear if you like, but nothing that screams out, “I wore this because I’m doing a silly stunt.” Wear two pairs of underwear if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t wear a thong or anything else that might offend people. Our aim is to make people laugh, not piss them off.

Don’t disrupt the Light Rail – While the Phoenix Police Department said that wearing your underwear in public isn’t illegal, don’t do anything dumb. All responsibility for your actions during this event are entirely your own.

Disembark at the Mill Ave station and head south. Stop by Starbuck’s for a coffee if you wish, but eventually make your way down Mill to 6th Street and hang a right. Head into Robbie Fox’s Pub where they will have some space set aside for us.

At 4:00 start heading back to your Return stations. Try to stay with your group, but if you need to leave earlier (or want to stay later) that’s entirely up to you. The same rules apply as above.

Last year was a lot of fun and we’re anticipating more people in 2011! Spread the word and tell your friends, just make sure they read all the rules!

See you on the 9th!

UPDATE: Added a mid-town start location at Central & Roosevelt!

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4 responses to “No Pants Light Rail Ride 2011 – Everything you need but the underwear!”

  1. We added a mid-town start location at Central & Roosevelt – same time as the west side and east side starts!

  2. […] very excited for Sunday’s No Pants Ride.  For my fellow Phoenix pantsless riders, please visit Improv AZ’s website for all the details and RSVP on the Facebook event page.  If you want to see the video of last […]

  3. […] is also the annual No Pants Light Rail Ride in Arizona, which is part of the Global No Pants Ride. My thanks to ThinkGeek for providing my […]

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