The 5th Annual No Pants Light Rail Ride is coming up on Sunday, January 13th. This event is part of the International No Pants Subway Ride started by Improv Everywhere. On this day, tens of thousands of people will be riding their public transportation without their pants. We expected hundreds of people to participate in the Phoenix ride. It’s going to be a ton of fun – we hope you can join us.
The Basics Rules
There are only 2 main requirements for participating in this flash mob:
1) Be willing ride the light rail without your pants.
2) Be able to keep a straight face about it.
Now for some details…
When: Sunday, January 13 at 1:00 PM, Sharp! (Over around 4 PM)
Where: Three starting points along the Light Rail – details below.
Bring: A backpack/bag and a Light Rail pass.
Wear: Normal winter clothes (jacket, hat, etc)
Facebook: You can RSVP to the Facebook Event
Mid-ride party: Angels Trumpet Ale House
How It Works
You can wear almost any type of underwear you want – except thongs or g-strings. If you’re going to wear boxers we encourage you to wear briefs underneath them in case your fly separates.
Take your pants off on the light rail platform or before you get there. If you’re worried you will be cold on the platform, you can take off your pants on the train, just be aware that’s a little bit trickier and more crowded.
If you are wearing your pants to the event, bring a bag or purse to carry them once you de-pants.
Starting Locations
We will be starting at 3 locations this year. Notice that 2 of the groups will be changing trains before arriving at our final destination. If you want to really surprise the greatest number of people, start at one of those stations.
1) East Side Group: Will be starting at the Sycamore/Main station in Mesa and riding to the Roosevelt/Central station. This group does not switch trains. Google Map
2) Middle Group: Will be starting at the 38th St/Washington station and riding west to Thomas/Central station where they will get off and catch the eastbound train back to the Roosevelt/Central station. Google Map
3) West Side Group: Will be starting at the 19th Ave/Montebello station and riding east to 3rd St/Jefferson station where they will get off and walk a block to the 3rd St/Washington station and catch the westbound train to the Roosevelt/Central station. Google Map
Each group will board the first train that leaves their station at or after 1:00pm. We will have captains for each group (identified by a red scarf tied to themselves or their bag) that will help direct you.
Plan to arrive early to purchase a light rail pass ($3.50 for round trip) and get last-minute instructions from your group captains. There are park and rides at each starting station.
During the Ride
While you’re riding, act as if nothing strange is going on. Do what you’d normally do on the light rail – listen to your iPod, read a book, etc. You have no idea why others are not wearing pants. If anyone asks, have a simple excuse prepared for why you’re not wearing pants – you were hot, you forgot them, etc. Do NOT tell people you are doing a prank!
We will have photographers on hand to take pictures documenting the event. We need everyone else to just act casually. If you bring a camera, be very discrete and only take a few pictures. It’s supposed to look like a normal train ride.
Don’t disrupt the Light Rail! While the Phoenix Police Department said that wearing your underwear in public isn’t illegal, don’t do anything dumb. You are responsible for all your actions during this event.
Our Final Destination

Once we arrive at the Roosevelt/Central station, we will be walk a few blocks to Angels Trumpet Ale House on 2nd St. All ages are welcome here. We’ll hang out, exchange stories, have a beverage, and take pictures before heading back from whence we came. We expect to be done at Angel’s Trumpet around 3:30pm.
If you don’t want to stop at Angels Trumpet Ale House you can just take the train back when everyone else gets off, and you’re welcome to leave earlier if you need to.
Please RSVP
We look forward to seeing you on January 13th! Please RSVP on our Facebook event page so we know how many people to expect. Feel free to share this event so all your friends can join us too! If you have any question, post them on the event page wall.
This is a fun event and we hope you can join us. The video from the 2012 No Pants Light Rail Ride is on YouTube and there are over 400 pictures on Flickr from last year’s event.
Bonus: Help needed with video!
We could use help from people who have video cameras and know how to use them. Extra points if you do video editing. If you would like to get involved, and can help us make some great video documentation of this (or any) flash mob, drop us an email!
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