Author: ImprovAZ
No Pants Light Rail Ride – Start 2012 in style!
Don’t miss future pants or pantsless events – join our email list! Drop your pants and get on board! You are hereby invited to participate in the 4th Annual No Pants Light Rail Ride in Phoenix. This is part of The No Pants Subway Ride, which is a global event started by Improv Everywhere in…
Save the Date – No Pants AZ Light Rail Ride is Jan 8th!
It’s that time of year again when all the good boys and girls start looking forward to Christmas, and their slightly naughtier friends start looking forward to the No Pants Light Rail ride in January! Improv Everywhere has set the date for the 11th Annual No Pants Subway Ride as Sunday, January 8th, and as…
Flash Mobbing a Little Heart Into the Apple Store
We’ve long been fans of Improv Everywhere’s Best Buy flash mob, but never had a good chance to do our own version. Clearly Best Buy had no sense of humor about the topic, and we figured most companies like them would be about the same. After Steve Jobs passed away, this idea seemed like a…