Category: news
Bust out your spandex and join our first Flashmob Fiction story!
Remember the awesome mp3 Experiment we did a few years ago? We loved it and had a lot of people ask us to do it again, but that idea is really the baby of Improv Everywhere so we wanted to try something new. That new idea is something we’re calling “Flashmob Fiction“, which is part flash mob…
And we’re baaaack!
We’re sorry that we’ve been on hiatus for most of this year. That’s what happens when 3 of your core team members open new businesses in the same year. Now that it’s cooling down and we have more time, we’re ready to get back into pranks and flash mobs. We’ve severely missed it. Here are…
Flash mobs are for fun, not crimes
This summer there have been numerous robberies and assaults that were committed by large groups of people that the media claims were organized via social media. Unfortunately, the media has dubbed these activities “flash mob crimes” and “flash mob violence.” We think these terms are completely inaccurate. A flash mob is defined as “a group…