No Pants 2016

No Pants 2016 Recap: We All Hate Pants

No Pants 2016Close to 400 people shed their modesty and their pants at the 8th annual No Pants Light Rail Ride!

On Sunday, January 10, 2016, our pantsless group boarded the light rail at four main locations throughout the valley. Lucky for us, it was the same weekend as the festivities for the national college football championships. This meant we had an influx of out-of-town guests who were shocked by how we roll in Phoenix. One person remarked, “This is almost as cool as Vegas”.

Valley Metro did a great job of crowd management by adding extra cars to the trains and providing security that helped our group spread out throughout the cars. The Phoenix Police were on hand near the downtown area, checking the cars for dubious characters, sweeping for radiation, and even brought a bomb dog through the cars. One of the officers asked us, “Aren’t you freezing your asses off?”

Our group converged on Angels Trumpet Ale House for a beverage and a bite and to share stories from our adventures. It was definitely a family affair this year – pantsless people of all ages and walks of life. One of our captains did the ride with her mom in tow. There was one particularly adorable couple on this year’s No Pants Light Rail Ride – an older duo who did the ride as part of their first date! The gentleman of the pair said, “Now we have a story to tell the grandkids. On our first date, we walked around town not wearing pants.” (We assume they already have their respective grandkids and were not planning to start popping out two more generations after meeting today.)

The No Pants Light Rail Ride is always a spectacle. Our favorite shirt of the day said, “I hate everyone (and pants).” We were so happy to see that our friends who wear animal heads, paws, and tails joined us again – sans pants of course. Their ability to play cornhole at Angels Trumpet, while wearing their giant heads was impressive.

Thank you to everyone who came out for the No Pants Light Rail Ride, and a huge thank you to Angels Trumpet for hosting us. The owners and servers did an incredible job taking care of everyone.

Be sure to check out the photos from this year’s ride on Flickr.

Make sure you’re on our mailing list to stay in the loop on our next flash mob and all our shenanigans.

The No Pants Light Rail Ride is part of global No Pants Subway Ride, founded by Improv Everywhere.


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